Peru shamans ‘neutralize’ Neymar in WC qualifier ritual

Peru shamans 'neutralize' neymar in wc qualifier ritual0

A group of Peruvian shamans, all decked up in brightly colored ponchos, are seen here tying up an effigy of Neymar in an effort to “neutralize” him in advance of Peru’s World Cup qualification match against Brazil on Tuesday.

The group of traditional healers from the forest, mountains, and coastal areas prayed to “Tayta Inti” (Father Sun) for assistance in Peru’s game against Brazil, which has won the World Cup five times in a row.

“We have rendered Neymar useless by binding his feet together. “We tied him up so that he is not in good shape, and he does not run and play well,” said shaman Felix Rondan. “We did this so that he will not be able to play well.”

Outside of the national stadium, where they have created a colorful altar with swords, amulets, flags, and photographs of players from both teams, the shamans performed the ceremony by blowing into a conch shell while at the same time carrying out the rite.

They started their journey by drinking ayuahasca, a potent hallucinogenic drink that is claimed to facilitate communication with the spirit world.

Shaman Walter Alarcon explained that the ritual’s purpose was to confuse Neymar’s thoughts so that he would not be able to “achieve what he is looking for, which are goals.”

Alarcon says that the match will be challenging and believes that it will end in a draw.

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