At the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium on Wednesday, Bangladesh Cricket Board director and Chairman of the High-Performance Committee Naimur Rahman Durjoy and newly-appointed head coach of HP David Hemp were in tune as they both walked along the same lines saying that it is the players who must take initiative to go onto the next stage after training under the HP program.
Hemp was appointed to his position earlier this week. Durjoy is the director of the Bangladesh Cricket Board.
Hemp, a former member of the Bermuda national cricket team, was given the responsibility of leading the High Performance (HP) program by the Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) on a two-year contract. Hemp will have his first job in the program’s current chapter, which will see training begin on June 24 in three phases and in as many locations as possible: Dhaka, Bogura, and Rajshahi.
The High Performance (HP) camp is a specialized camp that is held after the under-19 stage to foster new talents in a disciplined program. However, HP has frequently accommodated somewhat mature players that are involved with or near the national team.
Durjoy provided this explanation and emphasized that the HP Committee can only offer the required tools and facilities to these growing talents. He also stated that it is mostly the responsibility of the players to take the next step by responding to the development program.
“Everything is up to the players,” they said. My responsibility, as well as that of the committee, is to provide them with the assistance and resources they require. There are perhaps seven to eight players on the national side that graduated from HP. This is something that we can witness.
In point of fact, the decision lies solely in the hands of the participants. If the players can make the most of the possibilities they have to improve their game and themselves, it will be beneficial for the sport of cricket in Bangladesh. After introducing David Hemp as the new head coach of the national team at the Sher-e-Bangla National Cricket Stadium in Mirpur on Wednesday, he stated to the press that the players are the ones who truly represent the national team.
Hemp continued along this path when he placed the responsibility for adjusting to new circumstances and overcoming obstacles squarely on the shoulders of the individuals who participated in the program. The 52-year-old player also revealed that he would also keep in mind the demands of the national team and would try to work in alignment with the head coach of the national team Chandika Hathurusingha eyeing all of the goals that Bangladesh has in terms of climbing higher in the rankings and competing for major trophies in marquee competitions.
“We have the ability to choose how we will train players. We are able to “doctor” the wickets in order to better prepare for the conditions. We want to make sure that our goals are congruent with those of Chandika (Hathurusingha) and the main side in terms of the types of players and skill sets that they are searching for. Players need to have a skill level that allows them to learn and improve. Because of this, they are now present.
They are encouraged to be the finest version of themselves that they can be. We are able to generate players in Bangladesh who are able to compete in any and all conditions in any and all nations across the world.
A few months back, I had the opportunity to talk to Chandika (Hathurusinghe). Jamie and I have not had a conversation yet, but we will have one very soon. It has nothing to do with any of the coaches at all. It is about the players and Bangladesh cricket, and how we can make sure that it competes for big trophies, moves further up the rankings in all three forms, and how many players we can get into the top 10 of the ICC rankings. It is the complete package, with contributions from everyone, to ensure that the alignment is accurate.
“Yes, that does occur on occasion. If a player on a professional team is not making progress toward the goals outlined in his tour contract, they will be dropped. The selectors will, in due course, determine which players are progressing up the chain or ladder as a result of their efforts and will reward those individuals appropriately. It might take athletes anywhere from three to four years before they reach their full potential.
Within the confines of this program, we have an obligation to take all measure possible to assist the athletes in progressing. That is the thing that should be emphasized the most. You have very little say over whether or not they will do it. It is up to how they respond, but they have put in such performances that justify selection,” he told the press. “It is up to how they respond.”